What is a Child Forensic Interview?As part of a child abuse investigation, it is important to gather detailed and accurate information from the child. This information is gathered through a ‘forensic interview’, which is a conversation between a child and a nationally trained professional who specializes in working with children. The information collected is recorded and shared with investigative partners to assist in completing a comprehensive investigation.
What is a Children’s Advocacy Center?Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) seek to provide more supportive, child-friendly, and trauma-informed approaches to investigating concerns of child sexual abuse and exploitation. When police, child protective services, or the District Attorney’s office believes a child may be being abused or exploited, they contact their local CAC for assistance.
Sexual Assault Helpline:
For support, please call our free, private, 24-hour helpline at 1-800-871-7741. In accordance with federal regulations, Sexual Assault Response Services of Southern Maine does not discriminate in the access to our provision of its services. If you have any concerns or complaints, please send an email to [email protected].
SARSSM provides free services in York and Cumberland Counties. |
Sexual Assault Response Services of Southern Maine is funded in part by Maine's Department of Health and Human Services, the United Way of York County, and generous public and private donations.