Are Helpline Advocates trained mental health providers?
Our Helpline Advocates go through extensive training to prepare them to take helpline calls, but they are not trained or licensed mental health clinicians. This means that they can’t provide mental health counseling or respond to mental health crises. If a Helpline Advocate feels that a caller needs support beyond what they are trained to provide, they will offer the caller additional helpful resources. |
Can I call the helpline if I have a speech disability or am D/deaf or hard-of-hearing?
Yes, we use Video Relay Services (VRS) to support survivors and their loved ones with speech and hearing disabilities. How Video Relay Work: Video Relay Service (VRS) allows persons who are deaf or hard-of-hearing to communicate with our helpline through the telephone system with hearing persons. The caller can use a computer or phone with a video camera device and a broadband (high speed) Internet connection to contact Video Relay Service by calling 711, which will provide a qualified interpreter. The interpreter can place a telephone call to our helpline and relay the conversation back and forth between the caller using sign language and a hearing helpline advocate. Can I call the helpline if I am currently in jail or prison? Yes, we support survivors who are incarcerated. You have the right to call us for free from any phone in your facility. If the phones don’t work, ask for help calling us. Clients who are incarcerated can pass messages to their SART advocate through the helpline, but cannot be directly connected to them at that number. |
Sexual Assault Helpline:
For support, please call our free, private, 24-hour helpline at 1-800-871-7741. In accordance with federal regulations, Sexual Assault Response Services of Southern Maine does not discriminate in the access to our provision of its services. If you have any concerns or complaints, please send an email to [email protected].
SARSSM provides free services in York and Cumberland Counties. |
Sexual Assault Response Services of Southern Maine is funded in part by Maine's Department of Health and Human Services, the United Way of Southern Maine, and generous public and private donations.